Race Information
The in-person race will begin promptly at 10:00 AM on Sunday, June 22nd. Registration begins at 9:00 AM at Figaro’s Martini Bar + Kitchen. It is approximately a 3.2 mile course.
NEW in 2025!
The race will be professionally chip-timed by New England Timing for all running or walking participants. Children riding in strollers or on bikes will have unchipped bibs. Live race results on race morning can be found here on our site: https://newenglandtiming.com/results.php. There will be a QR code to scan at the event for easy access to race results.
Virtual Race Information
Anytime between Sunday, June 15th & Sunday June 22nd. Create your own 5k route and join us in sharing your experience on social media using #f2fc5krace!
Participant packet pickup
Bib and Shirt pick-up will be on Friday, June 2oth 5-7:30 PM and Sunday, June 22nd 9:00 AM outside, in front of Figaro’s Martini Bar + Kitchen.
Course Description
Flat and Fast! The race will begin at Figaro’s Martini Bar + Kitchen, south on Lowell Road, left on Golden Brook Road, Right on Range Road, Right on Lowell Road and finish back at Figaro’s Martini Bar + Kitchen.
Perks and Prizes
Every racer will receive a free beverage (beer or soda) from Figaro’s Martini Bar + Kitchen. First 50 people to register online, by April 1st, get a free race shirt.
The Top Male and the Top Female Adult Racer (ages 18 and over) will receive a $100 Gift Certificate to Figaro’s Martini Bar + Kitchen.
The Top Male and Top Female Teenage Racer (ages 13-17 and over) will receive a $50 Gift Card to Dick’s Sporting Goods.
The Top Two Male and the Top Two Female Child Racers (ages 12 and below) will receive a $15 Gift Certificate to Black Moose Country Store.
We will have 2 Portable Toilets near the Howie Glynn Gas Station. Specifics on parking will be available closer to the date on our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/fight2finishcancer.
Proceeds from this event will support Windham’s Helping Hands and local families afflicted by cancer!